Gallery Shop

Beach Glass Inspired

We often get asked if these beads are beach or sea glass because they really have that worn, tumbled and frosted look of such. They are glass, but have been crushed down and are recycled from bottles, window panes and stained glass artist scraps that include Dichroic Glass. The glass is crushed, then pit fired in ceramic molds.
We use these beads in our Woven wire jewelry, with Hemp, with Beach stones.

These #29 Frosted Glass Earrings are a great accessory to many of our pieces. We even have them in some of the popular Pantone 2011 Spring Fashion colours!
They aren't any heavier than most standard earrings out there. Nickel free, carded and include stoppers. (click on the photo for a closer look)
choose Ambers (yellow, pinkish yellow, amber, brown), Greens (light, aqua, apple, peridot, dark), and Blues (light, turquoise, cobalt, ultramarine). Very limited supply of pink and orange.

Stained Glass (includes opaque and transparent colours, including aqua, cobalt, turquoise blues)
Translucent Glass



(closer view of translucents)

2 tone Translucent Glass

and 2 tone rectangular

Woven Jewelry

#18 - Multi strand necklaces
#19 - Multi strand Bracelets  
#20 - matching Earring

Shown are aqua/green mix. Other colour mixes are Ambers (dark and light), med. and dark blue, and multi colour.
These are 4 colours of Recycled Glass Jewelry pieces that I knit up with Jeweller grade wire (coated non-tarnish copper, not hardware wire). Available in Amber, Green/Brown, Cobalt and Seagreen. There are more colours available such as mixed green and green/blues.

#18 Necklace
#19 Bracelet
#20 Earrings
Examples of Earrings
 More Bracelets

#20a - Braided Style Necklace
#20b - Braided Style Bracelet

#20c - Single strand bracelets with toggle clasp  (brass or copper - non tarnish).

#20d - Hemp and recycled glass on very thick hemp: (note...these beads are quite large, the left ones measure approx. 1 1/2" long, the mid flat ovals about 1" and the ones on the right approx. 5/8")

The knot-work on these is fabulous! Very high quality work and strong extensions and clasps.

Other wire designs available....Scroll Cuff (Iron and Copper)  or
Wavy Cuff  (bronze and copper)