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Piece of my Heart Pendants #37

Like the “Piece of the Ocean” pendants, these hearts are skillfully created by Bill Holden from local west coast materials such as lichen, moss, shells and beach pebbles. Bill then permanently adheres the miniature scenes with repurposed Canadian Pine, Maple, Oak or valuable Makassar Ebony, Ebony, Angel wood or Kingwood. The Pine allows for a light coloured background, the Kingwood for medium and the Ebony for dark depending on what kind of image Bill wants to achieve.

... each pendant is created with much thought. Besides the specific and scientific resin aspect, the fine wood is sanded to velvety softness and buffed to a high sheen and polished with wax for long-lasting beauty.

A short slideshow of scenes to choose from…

Bill Holden

#37 Piece of my Heart
Necklaces come mounted on Tent Cards for easy display

"Piece of my Heart" are available on silken nylon cord, with or without dangles, on hemp, with semiprecious beadwork and with simpler beadwork.

#38a Piece of my Heart with Abalone dangle

At a glance Abalone Hearts
abalone hearts abalone fauna hearts
Abalone Abalone and Fauna
abalone white shell unusual hearts
Abalone and white shell Kelp and other
sunset hearts shell in hearts
Sunsets Shells
pyrite copper hearts moss fauna hearts
Metallic and Pyrite Darks and Fauna
light vein hearts hearts and moss
Lights and Fauna Moss and Shell

truly one of a kind hearts, each as beautiful as the next...